School photo scam pt2

About three years ago I posted my thoughts about The Great School Photo Scam here, well it's come around again this year.

This time the photo isn't too bad really. The poor quality sample on the order form probably hides the full quality of the image however it's still not great. The lighting is very flat and my sons expression is more bored than happy.

As I said last time, I have a camera and I take some great photos of my son, I have no need for the school photo and I'm certainly not paying £16.50 to download it. In the last year or so I have been developing myself as a photographer. Is it time for me to step up and do some sort of pop up portrait session? Not because I want to make some money out of it but because I think people deserve something a bit better than what the school photo offers.

School photo:

Random photo I took while we were out one day:

I know which one I prefer and if I took the time to set up lighting and a backdrop then I'm confident I could get a much better photo than the one from school.


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