Bad moods

You know those days where you wish you could just go back to bed, have another's hours sleep then start again fresh? Well today has been one of those days.

My day started at about half five when John woke up. As usual I changed him in bed before carrying him downstairs. He's usually quite active when he wakes up but while I was changing him this morning he managed to kick me in the face. Twice. 

This set me up for the day in a bad mood. Once you're in a bad mood, if you don't get out of it, your day is just going to get worse. 

I tried to cheer up, I really did. But I was just too tired to shake off my grump. The day was full of all the usual little things that normally wouldn't bother me. But today, thanks to my mood, they did bother me. I was overreacting and snapping at things, not thinking things through, acting before thinking. I even managed to launch poor Matthew down the back of the sofa, head first!

Eventually the day came to an end. The kids were in bed, I took the dog for a long walk in the dark and by the time I got home I was in a much better mood.

Days like this happen. It's how I respond to them that makes the difference between a bad day and an ok day.


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