Photography Project pt2

If you don't know what this is about it's probably best to get the background from the first post here:

Ok, this is another image from the series. I like the concept but not sure about execution. You have to study the photo to see what's happening here, maybe that's a good thing. Anyway, in this photo I'm taking John for a walk with the dog. The dog doesn't want to stay on the lead walking the streets so I've got John in his off road wheelchair and we're going round a route I walk quite often. This could pass for an "other" road on an OS map and I've rode up and down here on my bike but pushing John up here isn't easy. The surface is scattered with large rocks and at the point I'm at it's very steep. However, John likes to be out and enjoys being out and has a good sense of adventure so as long as he's enjoying the ride then I'll take him anywhere I can.

Here's another photo I took that's along the same sort of lines as this:

I took this on the same day. I like this photo but there's not much struggle in pushing John across a field. You can't tell from the photo how rough the ground is but I like the open background and the dramatic sky.


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